A question of value: The war with no end

'They cost how much?', 'but there are cheaper options out there', 'why has the price gone up again', and 'that's it I am out'. All of my favourite reoccurring comments I see regularly across multiple gaming spheres. Value is the single most hotly debated abstract concept in so many communities in gaming. None probably more so than Games Workshop, or to use its trendy new name. Warhammer. I want to try and explore this idea of value, and try to contrast in some small way value across different gaming options currently available. From battles to Billions There is no denying that Warhammer is the apex predator of the wargaming miniatures landscape. By which I mean it is the top of the food chain and is arguably of late generally pretty predatory in its business practices. From its humble beginnings nearly fifty years ago as a purveyor of roleplaying miniatures for games such as Dungeons and Dragons it would spin off with the creation of its o...