Toxicity, fans, and a whole lot of Scotsman denial.

Approach with caution In a recent article with the Independent, George RR Martin expressed that he simply does not understand how people can come to hate so much something that they loved. He was quoted as saying 'if you don't like a show don't watch it'. Lamenting how things have become so toxic. Comparing the franchises of GoT, Star Trek, and Marvel. Martin goes on to explain that he was a huge fan of Marvel growing up and even wrote to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to tell them they were 'better than Shakespeare' (as a former teacher myself I concur), and talks about the adaptations of Marvel at the time such as The Hulk with actor Bill Bixby. Martin states he did not like them, but 'didn't go crazy and start writing hate mail' suggesting that social media has a lot to do with how things are now. For those playing along this the last on point thing Martin says in this article. However, whenever a story, or discussion, of toxic fans comes up I can...