A Khanate becomes Literal
Greetings! Welcome! Please pull up a fur by the fire, and have a drink. After all hospitality is sacred to the Khan.
My name is Daniel and I am without any doubt a complete nerd. A former English and History teacher, as well as a life long gamer. I have also always had a passion for writing. It is a big aspiration of mine to be published one day. In regards to this I hope it will be either for my entries to Black Library, or that I finally finish my book "Cement Pills and Silver Bullets".
During my time at University I sunk as many units into creative writing courses as I could. Sadly whilst I had some good lessons my biggest take away from those courses were that firstly no one reads your workshop pieces, and secondly that if you want your material read there are far better avenues available.
This took me to the internet. I would dabble in that great arena of internet literature "fanfiction" before taking up a few competitions. You may have even come across me before and not known. For example if you are a D&D fan who reads Dragon Magazine, then you may have seen my NPC from the Rage of Demons competition. My NPC Nalvarti Seamfinder was one of the 6 chosen as winners.
This was a major boost to my desire to keep challenging myself. So when Miniwargaming announced a call for writers to create their Fallout 40K campaign I jumped at the chance. Initially I was selected to write the whole campaign, and I wont lie I was daunted by the task. So i was mildly relieved when they decided to use multiple writers. (You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/uAYU6ETbEig).
From here I decided to start dabbling in youtube, and start looking at podcasting. Though this would become a goal not met for sometime. I continued to chase that Black Library credit by entering the window though I was not successful. At the time of writing this I am preparing my next effort.
The one thing a writer wants more than anything is to see their work read. Thus I decided to create this blog. It will present my writing efforts and where possible feedback and reflection. It will also include posts on competitive Warhammer, my foray into Age of Sigmar, and my general musings.
So again your Khan welcomes you and may you enjoy your stay in the Khanate.
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