There is only today, and being read on youtube.

What happens when you have incredibly limited time, a drive to write, and an opportunity to enter a story writing competition with a new outlet? Simple you get a frazzled Khan who slams out a one thousand word piece in a half hour lunch break. A one thousand word piece based on the theme 'there is only today'. The competition was hosted by the youtuber Del Pera, and required people to adhere to a strict list of rules and the theme 'there is only today'. I wanted to get back on the horse after some set backs, and rejections so I decided I wanted to put my hat in the ring. This competition came at the right time, and I had wanted to branch out from where I had been previously sending my works. So It was a perfect opportunity. That said, I had also become a father, and between that and work I had very little free time. As I would later go on to joke 'pressure makes diamond and irritation creates pearls'. I was also working on the Open Window submiss...