THE BLOCK: Mortal Realms Edition

THE BLOCK: Mortal Realms Edition Making some terrain. Welcome to this shameless slam against a reality TV show and building company I cannot stand. All whilst attempting to take the plans from the classic tome "Warhammer Townscapes", and attempt in my own way to bring them into a more fully realised modern style. For those playing along at home, or are what could be called 'young', before plastic and resin gaming terrain, Warhammer used 'cardstock' buildings. That is to say we would get cardboard cut out buildings you would fold and glue to create the terrain for you games. With the change in tastes, and progression of techniques we saw the change in materials. For this project my construction company 'Schmuckschmonald Schmones" will be attempting to create the prototype for our new display home. In our new street on Plagaway avenue. A growing concern. Getting started we printed the plans and transfer...