THE BLOCK: Mortal Realms Edition
THE BLOCK: Mortal Realms Edition
Making some terrain.
Welcome to this shameless slam against a reality TV show and building company I cannot stand. All whilst attempting to take the plans from the classic tome "Warhammer Townscapes", and attempt in my own way to bring them into a more fully realised modern style.
For those playing along at home, or are what could be called 'young', before plastic and resin gaming terrain, Warhammer used 'cardstock' buildings. That is to say we would get cardboard cut out buildings you would fold and glue to create the terrain for you games.
With the change in tastes, and progression of techniques we saw the change in materials. For this project my construction company 'Schmuckschmonald Schmones" will be attempting to create the prototype for our new display home. In our new street on Plagaway avenue. A growing concern.
Getting started we printed the plans and transferred them onto some foamcore. This great building material is light weight and pretty durable. With this done we then added some details from locally sourced, underpriced and exploited lumber. AKA matchsticks and balsa. To give us the cheapes- I mean most environmental option. The shingled roof is made from cut up rustic shaped cereal box cardboard. Don't worry about being uniformed remember here are Schmuckschmonald's we live by the motto 'she'll be right'.
Getting started we printed the plans and transferred them onto some foamcore. This great building material is light weight and pretty durable. With this done we then added some details from locally sourced, underpriced and exploited lumber. AKA matchsticks and balsa. To give us the cheapes- I mean most environmental option. The shingled roof is made from cut up rustic shaped cereal box cardboard. Don't worry about being uniformed remember here are Schmuckschmonald's we live by the motto 'she'll be right'.
Solid as hell shell has been achieved here, and from this base we can work on finishing, and rendering. Because finishing as quickly as possible is important to our company. To this end we wanted to achieve that classic wattle and daub look that classic Warhammer leveraged so well.

"You want something else? Shoulda read the fine print!"
Now here is where we- err I mean our subcontractors let us down. When you are working on this stage make sure you render, and then paint. Instead of trying to sloppy style do both. We here at Schmuckschmonald's admit no liability and everything here is 'within tolerable standards' so no takebacks. This left us with this project that did not overly meet what the 'client' would have liked. However, who cares here's you keys so bye bye.

"Ey She'll be right mate what you complaining about we gave you some free landscaping"
Ok, enough of this schtick and lets be straight up. As an experiment I was happy with the core of it, rather than the finish. When I do this again, and I will because with Old World coming I want some nice nostalgic terrain. Alternatively these techniques would work for AoS, and especially Mordheim with some adjustments for scale. I just wanted to make some quick terrain. Then cost me about 5 bucks worth of materials to make. Once you have some PVA, a bag of matchsticks and balsa from any 2 dollar shop, and some foamcore you can really start cranking out the terrain. It is an alternative to the big bucks investment that other terrain may present to gamers. I will be trying to make more in the future. Also and I do not know what my plan was perhaps the pandemic got to me, but I turned pistachio shells into plague pods and attached them to the building. I was in a headspace.
If you do try this then please I want to see it on my twitter @DanTheGreatGam1 share the productivity.
As always Hospitality is Sacred
If you do try this then please I want to see it on my twitter @DanTheGreatGam1 share the productivity.
As always Hospitality is Sacred
ps. The Block is basic AF and a crap television show that does little more than skirt the rules about in show advertising.
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