Hobby: Finding Zen in painting

"You must find Balance Daniel San"- Mr Miyagi When it comes to life the greatest struggle is the battle for balance. When it comes to our hobby it is no different. What I have seen online, and experienced myself, is the pull of different desires. On one hand there is the desire to paint miniatures to examples set by commission painters, the 'eavy metal team, and content creators we see online. The other might be the simple desire to get our miniatures table ready. Or even to master a technique we have seen elsewhere. The thing that I think gets lost is that this should first and foremost be a hobby that helps us relax. To find in some small way our 'zen' through painting. At least that is what it is to me. That is at least when I don't find myself falling into the trap of comparison. Remember "comparison is the thief of joy" I painted this in 30 minute lunchbreaks. Each step just enjoyed for its own practice For the purpose of this article ...