The start of a long adventure: Trying to start a TTRPG club in my town.

So I am sitting there with my wife recounting a strange dream I had that I was hooning about in an old school van with the classic Larry Elmore art plastered on the side running a DM business. It was like some kind of parody of the days I was a tutor, and without doubt far more enjoyable. In her trademarked way of smiling at my nerdy nature Allison listened to my ramblings. She really is the best thing that ever happened to me, and probably without a doubt the best wife a gamer could have ever found. The longer I talked the more an idea was forming in my head. Not a paid DM, but what about trying to start a club. A Tabletop Roleplaying Club. From another intro game I ran for new players, one of many. Many moons ago I was part of a large D&D group. About forty odd people, with five dedicated DMs crafting the campaign and a pool of over thirty players. To this day the Seareach campaign was the most enjoyable time I have had in my time playing T...